Interview – Josie Long
Ahead of her performing her first new show in five years Tender, we were delighted to interview three-times Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee and new mum before this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, which we are missing this year as we are becoming new parents soon ourselves.
Me: For those who haven’t come across you before tell us more about yourself and your show Tender?
Josie: Hello, my name is josie long and I am a stand up comedian, I have done shows at the fringe a lot in the past but I wouldn’t expect anyone to have heard of me. My show is about the fact that last year I had a little baby and I am trying to welcome her to the world while everything around me is telling me it’s the end of the world.
Me: What’s the nicest act of kindness or gentleness you have ever experienced or witnessed?
Josie: This question is so broad, I’m terrible at remembering anything, but what’s amazing is that with a baby you get to feel gentleness and kindness every day in so many small ways. Every day she laughs over something in delight, or we cuddle or she smiles at me and I feel so lucky. She is very sociable and she brings out kindness in people around her and that is awesome. Have a baby guys it’s great.
Me: This is the first time you have performed at the Fringe in five years. What have you missed most about the festival and Edinburgh?
Josie: I miss the way that it makes me feel enlivened and excited about comedy. It can be the best parts of being a comedian- people make work that is so incredible it makes you want to up your game. I miss seeing friends everywhere and at every turn and just how big it is!
Me: You’re a lifelong Doctor Who fan, but if you could play any doctor or companion in the show (for me it would be Ace) who would you choose?
Josie: IT WOULD BE ACE FOR ME TOO NO LIE! I think it’s always going to be whoever you knew when you were a kid.
Me: Tell us more about your charity Arts Emergency and how people can support it?
Josie: It exists to help support and empower young people who don’t come from privilege who want to study the arts and humanities and live more creative lives. It’s awesome and subversive and I love it.
Go to arts-emergency.org and donate or join the network please!
Me: What’s coming up next for you after the Fringe?
Josie: I am sincerely hoping to garner more work in the lucrative and exciting entertainment industry.
Me: And finally, I’m missing this year’s Edinburgh Fringe as my first child is due at the end of August. As a new mum yourself what’s the best advice you can give me?
Josie: Ahhh I am so happy and excited for you! Ok trust yourself and your judgement. Giving birth to your baby is something your body is perfectly suited for so try to relax and stay calm. I hope you have a lovely uncomplicated birth. The first three days are amazing and full of love. Don’t let anyone visit you unless you really want them there and tell them to sod off if they outstay their welcome. There’s a brand called love2dream that do these kind of cactus shaped swaddle sleeping bags and I swear to god they are a game changer. You are never alone and you are doing better than you know.
Josie will be performing her new show Tender at The Stand Comedy Club – Stand 1 from 1 to 11, 13 to 18 and 20 to 25 August. For further information and to book visit https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/josie-long-tender.
For further information on Josie Long check out her website at www.josielong.com.